Our support centers provide engineering services based on experience and latest tecnhology to optimize the cost and resources of every single project, based on:
- Well experienced protection, automation and communication engineers.
- A full range of products with in-house developed technology:
- Protection and control relays,
- HV Communication devices,
- Networking Solutions,
- RTUs
- Dedicated R&D & Application resources to fully support the products.
- A total commitment to customer satisfaction.
# SAS # IEC 61850 # Renewables Integration # Digital Substation Systems

A quick view of some Success Stories
T&D Substation Automation Systems
T&D 400 / 132 / 66 Kv
- Brazil | ZIV busbar system for CHESF at Fortaleza II 500/230kV substation.
- Brazil | Automation cabinets & SWT for Enel Goias
- Brazil | ZIV cabinets for ENEL Rio de Janeiro
- Brazil | ZIV e-NET flex relays for ENEL Goias
- Spain | Modular switchgears with integrated ZIV relays
- Sierra Leona| A SAS project in collaboration with BES Group
- India | ZIV IEC 61850 SAS 220/132/33 kV para PGCIL – Jharkhand,
- Dominican Rep. | Washington Capital Solar Park SE. Mata de Palma 69 kV 2019 (EPC: Dominion)
- Dominican Rep. | SE DAJAO 138 kV 2019 – ETED (EPC: UTE Cobra & Semi)
- Tanzania| A turn key Telecommunication System. Jacobsen Elecktro. TANESCO.
- Ecuador | CELEC EP 230/138/69kV Substation Santo Domingo. Ecuador
- Rep. Dominicana | ZIV SAS for 7 Substations – ETED – Cruce de Cabral
Distributed Energy Resources Management Systems
- Ireland | Solving Transmission Grid stability problems by managing aggregated reactive power systems at ESB Networks .
- UK | ANM + SAS at Llynfl Afan Renewable Energy Park (Western Power Distribution, Gamesa)
- UK | SSEN picks ZIV automation to help deliver a smarter energy system for its 3.8 million customers
- UK | Power Potential Project: National Grid ESO + UKPN
- Mongolia | First ANM in the country
T&D Substation Automation Systems
Solar Plants
- Chile | Capricornio, IEC 61850 multivendor SAS communicated via ICCP protocol with the CEN (GES – Engie) – FATs performance
- Chile | Llano de Llampos Solar Plant SAS for SunEdison (Isastur)
- Spain | Venalta & Huéneja (Diverxia / OHLA)
- Spain | “El Aliagar” solar plant 132/30kV Substation Automation System
- Spain | «Huelva 2020» Solar plant SAS (Alter Enersun – GES)
- Spain | Talasol Solar Plant IEC 61850 SAS 400/30kV (METKA,Eiffage)
T&D Substation Automation Systems
Wind farms
- Chile | Calama, a multivendor SAS communicated via ICCP wiht the National Coordination Centre (CEN) – (Engie, GES)
- Peru | Duna & Huambos 138 kV + teleprotection system (Grenergy, CJR)
- Spain | Soliedra Wind Farm – ZIV relays in Siemens MVSG (Alfanar – Isotron)
- Spain | | Torozos Wind Farm – La Mudarra 400/132/66kV (Naturgy).
- Spain | La Escalareta II & La Estancia – ZIV e-NET flex relays at MV SWG & Substation Cabinets (Gamesa Energy, Isastur)
- Spain | A cybersecure IEC 61850 ed 2 SAS at Baca & Raya (Gamesa Energy, Isastur)
- Spain | ZIV SAS at Forestalia´s wind farms (GES)
- Ireland | ANM systems at ESB Networks .
- UK | ANM + SAS at Llynfl Afan Renewable Energy Park (Western Power Distribution, Gamesa)
- France | Parc Éoilen de Châtres – Poste 21/90 kV SRN.
- Argentina | Corti – Mario Cebreiro, (100 MW) 29 x VESTAS 3,45 MW aerogeneradores. Subestación 132/33 kV.
- Dominican Rep. | Los Cocos, Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Haina (EGE Haina), ETED
System Integrator Program
Provide your customers with a simple, robust and cost-effective solution for Protection, Control Monitoring and Communications. We can we help you expanding your business by providing:
- Loose items to be delivered if your company has capabilities to build and wire C&R panels as a System Integrator.
- A configured set of loose items to your company if you have panel manufacturing facilities but not the need to act as a system Integrator.
- The Complete Solution of control and relays panels with all configured IEDs installed if you prefer to treat the SAS like one more component of your system.

ZIV is a solution provider with large international experience that works closely with several OEM to help them expanding their business by providing:
- ZIV IEDs approved in utilities worldwide
- Large field experience
- Flexible and cost effective solutions to build the best offer for your client.