IRS - Self-Powered Relay - ZIV

IRS – Self-Powered Relay

Self-powered Overcurrent and Breaker Failure Protection Relay with Harmonic Blocking

Where dependable auxiliary power source is not available, the IRS Relay can be energized either directly from Main Current Transformers, AC/DC Auxiliary Voltage or through the USB Front Port.

To guarantee the correct operation of the relay, ZIV offers a bistable linear solenoid which perfectly matches the energy output of the IRS self-powered relay. Its characteristics make this device perfect for the use in applications where both unlocking and locking position are kept for a long time. Low Power Coil (LPC) is a bistable tripping coil designed to guarantee operation with IRS self-powered relays (*Ordering code 4GL04530002).

Key features

  • IRS Relay can be energized either directly from Main Current Transformers, AC/DC Auxiliary Voltage or through the USB Front Port.
  • Two low energy pulse output trip contacts / functions for RMU coil and flag indication.
  • Two potential free alarm contacts: one latched type (bi-stable relay) and one non-latched.
  • Four digital inputs for remote trip (potential free) and three spares.
  • Trip indication via electromagnetic flag indicator with mechanical reset.
  • 1-month duration non-volatile memory for records storage under power-failure conditions.
  • Sampling rate: 800 Hz.
  • Up to 500 events, 10 fault reports and 10 s total oscillo duration.
  • 2 setting groups.
  • High protection degree: IP52.

Differences between models: IRS-A vs IRS-B

Digital Inputs 4 (1 free potential + 3 standard) 2 (all free potential)
Digital Outputs 4 (1 Latched, 1 Non-Lanched, 1 for striker, 1 flag indicator) 3 (1 Latched, 1 Non-Lanched, 1 for striker)
Analog Inputs IA, IB, IC, IG IA, IB, IC,
Current Circuits Burden 3,5VA 2,5VA
Secondary Current 1 or 5 selectable by software Only for 1A
T.I. needs Standard Transformers Standard Transformers
Isolation in the TIs Current Transformers Isolated between each of them CT NOT Isolated between each of them

*IRS-B: Self-Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent Relay with Internal Battery and External CTs



IRS-B model
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