A combination of a remote terminal unit (RTU), a medium voltage supervision system and a control and automation system specially adapted to be used in overhead lines.
2TCA-D (1/3 rack) model integrates all functions required to cover the complete protection of overhead lines and so, it is applicable in load break switches (LBS) where a supervision of the parameters of the Medium Voltage network is required (measurement of voltages, currents and powers), detection and communication towards the control center of the existence of faults both between phases and between phase and ground, without indication of the directionality of them, automatic isolation of the faulted sections and control from the dispatch of the opening and closing of the switchgears or breakers of the bay.
- Powerful programmable logic engin
- Up to 5 FPI functions per IED
- Up to 64 digital inputs
- 16 configurable digital outputs for alarm signalling or LBS control commands
- 24 analogue channels
- Voltage measurement supported: directly in busbar or installed in feeder bushings.
- 4000 event logger and oscillography recorder function (sample rate 4800 Hz).
- Diagnosis and Maintenance WebUI
- Fault Isolation Automatism (FIA)
- Cybersecurity: Authentication and encryption
Expansions supported with Master-Slave role devices
In case of large installations not covered with a standalone device, it is possible to create a daisy-chain of several devices: one device acts as master including the RTU function and the rest of devices behave as slaves, interchanging data relative to the feeders controlled by each one.
Diagnosis & Maintenance via WebUI
Single line diagram and the status of the different elements of installation can be monitored for diagnosis and maintenance tasks. No proprietary software tools are required.
Communication Protocols & Cybersecurity
RTU function embedded in TCA D/E communicates with control centers or SCADA systems using the IEC 60870- 5-104 communications protocol.
Remote firmware update, device configuration, remote commands execution and many other operations can be performed through WebUI or web services on the device. All remote commands are transmitted over secure transport protocols like HTTPS or SSH. Role-based access control is managed via authentication using LDAP and TACACS+ protocols.
Automatic service restoration (FIA)
The TCA devices have been designed to operate as part of an automatic service restoration system. Settings and configurations can be adaptatively modified for optimal network operation.
- Distribution Automation
- LBS Control Cabinet. Complete and standalone solution for overhead line operation based on Cybersecure Monitoring and Automation solutions.
- Instructions Manual: M2TCAD1907Iv00(01 / 18 / 2024)
- Data Sheet (TCA-D/E): H0TCADE1807Iv00