It is estimated that it will reduce CO2 emissions by 100 million tonnes per year. Alter Enersun already has permits for an extension of another 50 MW, which will be built during 2020. GES has been responsible for the engineering, procurement and construction of the plant where ZIV has provided the substation automation systems and commissioning and enginneering services

- Location: Gibraleón, Huelva, Spain
- Substations: SET Peguerillas
- Promoter: Alter Enersun
- Substation Automation System: ZIV
An extensive solar plant has been built in Gibraleón (Huelva, Spain) with more than 130,000 photovoltaic panels distributed over 80 hectares, and an installed capacity of 49MWp capable of producing 95 million kilowatts / hour per year, which means the annual consumption of a city of 125,000 people.
GES, a multinational specialist in construction of renewable plants, was responsible for the development of detailed engineering, equipment suppliy, civil works, mechanical assembly, electrical installation, and the construction of the substation.
GES relied on ZIV to provide the equipment, services and SAS systems for the Peguerillas Interconnection substation.
Both companies have worked together in several projects in Spain and Latam recently:
- SE Virgen de Rodanas (132 kV) – WInd Farm (Forestalia) 132/30 KV, 90/110 MVA “Virgen de Rodanas” electric substation – Grid interconnection for the Virgen de Rodanas I and Virgen de Rodanas II wind farms. (Aragón, Spain)
- SE Tolosana (132 kV) 132 / 30kv “Tolosana” electric substation (Forestalia) – Grid interconnection for the «El Portillo» wind farm ( Aragón, Spain)
- SE. Peguerillas (66 kV) – Alter Enersun.- Grid interconnection for the «Pegerillas» wind farm (Huelva, Spain)
- SE Calama (Engie Energía) – Grid interconnection for the «Calama» wind farm (Antofagasta, Chile)
- SE Capricornio (Engie Energía) – Grid interconnection for the «Capricornio» solar plant (Antofagasta, Chile)
IRV protection and control IEDs
The IRV protection and control IEDs are the backbone of the SAS in this project. These are multifunction devices for high and medium voltage applications in lines, transformers, generators, etc … for complete protection of the substation bay.
Gibraleón, Huelva:
About GES
Spain´s GES is a pioneer of the renewable sector. With more than 20 years experience, GES is a referent in construction and services for the wind, solar and hydro sectors.