ZIV to debate about Electric Vehicles charging efficiency at COP25

Metrology as a tool to improve the efficiency of electric vehicle charging and the performance of electric vehicle batteries

  • Date: 12/12/2019 (11.00 h – 13.30 h)
  • Location: Sala A del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Castellana 160. Mesa 5.
  • Organized by: Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, CEM – Centro Español de Metrología
  • Keywords: EV, charging, efficiency, climate change, COP25,

It is time to action: the climate change, the energy transition, the renewables integration and the responsible consumption are issues that concern us all and are to be reinforced after the debates that will take place these days in Madrid at the Climate Change Summit – COP25.

To ZIV these are shared goals which will only be addressed with the contribution of  solutions based on open standards, that will enable an optimized use of energy resources.

Since the “smart grids” concept began to be minted ZIV has bet for innovating based on open standards that will provide intelligence, but also flexibility to the operation of the electric networks. The “bidelek” project promoted by the EVE and Iberdrola was an international benchmark that catapulted them to technological leadership in this area already in 2012. This has been followed by important international projects that have helped digitize the networks and facilitate the integration of renewables and the use of the electric vehicle.

As a leading technology company in the sector, ZIV has been invited to participate in the summit, in the framework of activities organized by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism that are part of the official agenda of COP 25.

ZIV specialist Cristina Martínez ZIV, together with Javier Díaz from the Spanish Metrology Center, will contribute with a presentation on metrology as a tool to improve the efficiency of electric vehicle charging and the performance of electric vehicle batteries.

COP25 Chile Madrid

December 12th  Agenda

  • ZONA VERDE Espacio Ciencia – IFEMA Todo el día
  • EOI/ENISA CEM Mincotur Sala A (P. de la Castellana 162)
    11:00h-13:30h Como contribuye la metrología a luchar contra el cambio climático
  • EOI/ENISA Mincotur Sala E (P. de la Castellana 162) 10:00h-14:00h
    & El reto del cambio climático y la sostenibilidad
  • AOP Sede OEPM (Paseo de la Castellana 75) 10:00h-11:30h
    ¿Puede descarbonizarse la industria? El compromiso industrial con la neutralidad de emisiones.

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