ZIV supplies its latest technology in Protection and Control Systems to GES in Chile. A Multi-vendor IEC 61850 system based mainly on “ZIV e-NET flex” cybersecure relays, communicated with the CEN through ICCP protocol.

- Location: Antofagasta, Chile
- Substation: SET Calama
- Promotor: Engie Energía Chile
- Substation Automation System: ZIV IEC 61850 multifvendor
ZIV, GES & ENGIE in Chile
Engie Energía Chile (EECL), a subsidiary of French Engie, announced in October 2019 the start of construction of three renewable projects, in the Antofagasta region. 370 MW, with an initial investment of approximately $ 300 million.
Engie awarded GES the construction of two of them: the Calama Wind Farm (162MW) and the Capricornio Photovoltaic Plant (97MWp). Together they add a power of 259 MW.
GES has recently finished two other projects in Engie in Mexico (Tres Mesas 3 & Tres Mesas 4) and three more in Spain with ZIV: SE Virgen de Rodanas (132 kV), SE Tolosana (132 kV) and SE. Peguerillas (66 kV).
ZIV is the main supplier of the protection, control and communication equipment of the complex SET Llanos de Llampo & Seccionamiento solar plant project in Chile that generates 100MVA. ZIV SCADA is integrated into TRANSELEC offices and communicates via ICCP protocol with SUNEDISON SCADA. ZIV SCADA is also integrated into CAP and CDEC remote controls, demostrating therefore the capability of the ZIV SCADA to be integrated into complex communications architecture as TRANSELEC’s.
Some projects commissioned in Chile:
- SS/EE San Pedro de Chile (CHILOE)
- SS/EE Santa Raquel (CHILECTRA)
- SS/EE Llanos de Llampo (SUNEDISON)
Scope of the ZIV SAS
It includes the supply of 6 cabinets, and the engineering, SAT & FAT services. The SAS is based mainly on ZIV IEC 61850 Ed 2 certified relays. IEDs_Level 1 to be communicated in a single GFO with ZIV branded substation switches, and a redundant RTU-Gateway. ENGIE´s system will communicate with the “Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional (CEN)” via ICCP protocol, while ZIV´s supplied SAS will connect with Engie´s via IEC60870-5-104 & OPC.
• 1 x line protection panel
• 1 x power transformer protection panel
• 1 x Auxiliary Services panel for AC
• 1 x Auxiliary Services panel for DC
• 1 x Substation Automation System Panel.
• 1 x Metering panel
• 1 x Lot of Marshaling kiosks.
• 1 x Lot of loose IEDs for 33kV Metalclad cabinets
The Calama Wind Farm (162MW) is located 12 km away from the city of Calama, also in the region of Antofagasta (Chile).
The project “Parque Eólico Calama”
GES is in charge of the engineering and construction of all the infrastructure, both civil and electrical for the evacuation of energy generated by 36 wind turbines of 4.5 MW each with a hub height of 94 meters. The civil works will include the construction of the foundations and platforms for the wind turbines, more than 20 km of roads and the substation building. As for the electrical works, GES is in charge of the medium voltage network, the elevator substation and the connection with the pre-existing overhead line. The construction works will last twelve months.
About Engie & GES
ENGIE is a French multinational electric utility company, headquartered in La Défense, Courbevoie, which operates in the fields of energy transition, electricity generation and distribution, natural gas, nuclear, renewable energy and Petroleum. It is one of the few players in the sector to develop expert skills in both upstream (engineering, purchasing, operation, maintenance) and downstream (waste management, dismantling) activities. The company, formed on 22 July 2008 by the merger of Gaz de France and Suez, traces its origins to the Universal Suez Canal Company founded in 1858 to construct the Suez Canal. As of 2018, ENGIE employs 158,505 people worldwide with revenues of €60.6 billion.
Spain´s GES is a pioneer of the renewable sector. With more than 20 years experience, GES is a referent in construction and services for the wind, solar and hydro sectors.