LCNI Conference – 2018

ZIV will showcase Active Network Management systems, LV to HV 

ZIV Automation continues to push the boundaries of network management solutions. Its comprehensive and flexible Network Management platform scales from small substation deployment to large scale control centre deployment for wide area management.

ZIV Automation has been delivering Active Network Management solutions from initial logic-based systems to advanced network analysis systems spanning multiple Grid Supply Points and has pioneered many advancements in this area. This has enabled the connection of vast amounts of new renewable generation which would otherwise have needed to wait for new infrastructure.

Over recent years ZIV Automation has been working with DNOs and TSOs to provide grid support services from the distribution network to the transmission grid. This is providing grid stability and enabling the transition of DNOs to DSOs.

Do not hesitate to visit us to get to know more about our experiences and technological capacity in this area.

ZIV will also display:

  • Distribution Automation Solutions: sophisticated MV RTUs with built-in directional Fault Passage Indicator, self-powered relays and communication solutions
  • Substation Automation Systems: HV communications, P&C relays and a Cyber secure automation platform for HV and MV substations


About the Conference

The LCNI Conference is organised annually by Energy Networks Association, on behalf of the UK electricity and gas network operators, and with cooperation of headline sponsors and conference supporters. In its eighth year, LCNI will be returning to Telford – the “birthplace of industry” – with support of headline sponsor Cadent. Its industrial heritage of invention is emblematic of today’s innovation and technology forum


LCNI Conference – 2018 E06/06 October 16 - October 18, 2018 The International Centre Telford Distribution Automation
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