CIGRE Spain – National Committee Technical Seminar


ZIV participates in the technical conferences

Next november 27th and 28th, ZIV will support the Spanish Committe´s Technical event sponsoring the seminar and participating in two conferences.

  • Cybersecurity & IoT
  • Process bus new requirements

Please, read the post in Spanish for futher information



The International Council on Large Electric Systems (FrenchConseil International des Grands Réseaux ÉlectriquesCIGRÉ) is a global organization in the field of high voltage electricity. It was founded in ParisFrance in 1921.[1] The scope of its activities include the technical and economical aspects of the electrical grid, as well as the environmental and regulatory aspects.

More specifically, the objectives of CIGRÉ are to:

  • facilitate technical exchanges among those involved in the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy;
  • communicate the state of the art and the technical knowledge in these fields;
  • inform the decision makers and regulators in the field of high voltage electricity by means of publication in its magazine Electra or through the organization of biennial conferences, named Sessions, that take place in even years in Paris, France.

The National Committes organize seminars and conferences every year.


Enjoy Madrid! 33 things to do in Madrid



CIGRE Spain – National Committee Technical Seminar November 27 - November 28, 2018 Hotel Madrid Marriott Auditorium. Av. de Aragón, 400, 28022 Madrid. SAS
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