
Basque Country


MUGIELECDevelopment of infrastructure and energy management systems associated with the electric vehicle

  • Program: ETORGAI
  • Project leader: ZIV
  • Technological coordinator: Tecnalia
  • Partners:
    • Companies: AEG, Fagor, Cementos Lemona, Gamesa, Iberdrola, Incoesa, Indra, Ingeteam, Ormazabal and Semantic Systems.

MUGIELEC is a project that brings together the main stakeholders in the electrical sector of the Basque Country to respond to needs arising from transition from the current mobility model to a more sustainable system based on the electrification of transport. In order to make this change viable it is necessary first to deploy a network for charging up electric vehicles.

Financed by: Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism Department (Basque Government).

Basque Government


CIAD XXIIntelligent Transformation Center for the Distribution Automation

  • Program: ETORGAI
  • Project leader: ZIV P+C
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Usyscom, ZIV Medida, INCOESA Consultores, INCOESA Trafodis, GUASCOR Ingeniería and Asiris
    • Technological centers: Labein, Gaiker and ZIV I+D

CIAD XXI (Intelligent Transformation Center for the Distribution Automation) is a R&D project that will make possible to undertake the automation of the distribution of the medium voltage electric power and the remote and intelligent detection of breakdowns in this network. This new intelligent transformation center will be able to detect the failures and breakdowns in the electrical supply, to monitor and automate a solution for them and to offer previously unknown information.

CIAD will contribute to improve the quality for final users; It will easy the exploitation of the distribution network; It will reduce the maintenance costs of the new transformation centers; It will contribute to the reduction of energy consumption.

Financed by: Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism Department (Basque Government).

Basque Government


Infrastructures and architectures for the integration of Smart Meters in a responsible and efficient management of consumptions

  • Program: ETORGAI
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Andago Ingeniería, S.L, DINITEL 2000, S.A, Ibermática, S.A, Indra Sistemas, S.A, Microelectrónica, MASER S.L, and ZIV Medida,S.L
    • Technological centers: Fundación Tekniker, Ikor Technology Center, S.L, Instituto Ibermática de Innovación (I3B), Universidad de Deusto and ZIV I+D

SOA4AMI (Infrastructures and architectures for the integration of Smart Meters in a responsible and efficient management of consumptions) is a project focused on infrastructures and applications close to final users and the management of the demand for them. This project tries to take advantage of the new features of consumption metering equipments (meters) and of their bidirectional communication possibilities. This is known as AMI (Advance Meetering Infrastructure), whose most important element is the SmartMeter.

The developments of the project are the following:

  • An open architecture that integrates all the agents taken part in the information flow for an efficient demand management.
  • Information services for the user.
  • Services for the individualized and contextualized management of the assets of a center (a house, a company, a public building or district), based on rules.
  • Control charts and indicators that easy the energetic management for public buildings energetic managers

Financed by: Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism Department (Basque Government).

Basque Government


berriTRANSA control center for the new intermodal rail transport to obtain a sustainable, reliable and efficient operation and maintenance

  • Program: ETORGAI
  • Project leader: IKUSI, S.A
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Idom, LKS, Usyscom, Fensom Systems, SQS Software Quality System and CBT Comunicación multimedia
    • Clusters: Cluster of movility and logistics (MLC-ITS Euskadi)
    • Technological Centers: Innovalia, Tecnalia, Deusto, Vicomtech and ZIV I+D
    • Collaborating entities: TGG, Bombardier and Renfe

BERRITRANS is a R&D project focused in the definition of a integral transport management system. This system will be achieved by the development of a set of tools and products in charge of configuring a new generation integral control center for a sustainable efficient operation. This center must be open to the integration with new transport models,and must guarantee comfort in an operative and real time way.

Financed by: Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism Department (Basque Government).

Basque Government


Improvement of the energy efficiency for the final users

  • Program: ETORGAI 2011
  • Project leader: ZIV Metering, S.L
  • Partners:
    • Companies: ZIV Grid Automation, S.L, Celaya Emparanza y Galdós Internacional, S.A, Instalaciones Elur, S.L, Trainelec, S.L, Ibermática, S.A, Rener Rehabilitación Energética, S.L, Oneka Arquitectura, S.L.P and Energyminds Solutions, S.L.
    • Centers that develop to the RVCTI ( Basque Science, Technology and Innovation network): ZIV I+D, Tecnalia, CAF, CIDETEC, Novia Salcedo and Instituto Ibermática de Innovación.
    • Collaborating entities: COAVN, Eraikune, Sestao berri, Ayuntamiento de Vitoria- Gasteiz, Ayuntamiento de Basauri, Cinco Días, Ingurubide, Roche, PFizar and cluster de la energía.

USER is a Project that tries to develop new products, processes and services that make possible to improve the energetic efficiency for the final users.It is focused on the following topics:

  • Energy managers in industrial processes aimed to improve energy efficiency. Their objective is to flatten the demand curve and improve the quality of the electric supply.
  • Energy managers aimed to improve qality of the electric energy’s quality in the railway sector.
  • Energy managers in the building to improve the energy efficiency of tertiary sector buildings. The project develops a product to manage the centralized air conditioning in the offices.
  • The development of systems for the storage and management of the power to integrate renewable energies in the electric micronetwork and to cover the electric demand in rush hours using the electricity storage in low hours.

Financed by: Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism Department (Basque Government).

Basque Government


Automated Supervision of the low voltage electric network

  • Program: ETORGAI 2011
  • Project leader: Ormazabal Protection & Automation, S.L
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Corporación Zigor, S.A, Enlace Digital Barik, S.L, Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica, S.A, Ingeteam Technology, S.A, Jema- Jesus María Aguirre, S.A, Semantyc Systems, S.L and ZIV Metering Solutions.
    • Agents that develop to the RVCTI ( Basque Science, Technology and Innovation network): Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Gipuzkoa (CEIT), Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, Ormazabal Corporate Technology, A.I.E, Zigor R&D, S.L. and ZIV I+D.

SAREBAT is a Project whose main aim is to develop a new distributed generation system. It is focused in the development of a new monitorization system for the generation in the distribution level, as well as solutions based on power electronics that make possible, on one hand to stabilize the network’s voltage and on the other to support the network’s operation when linked to many other distribution generation units.

The Project is mainly focused on Smart Distribution Networks, Smart Integration and Smart Energy Management.

Basque Government


Development of new multiparameter analysis techniques for the evaluation of gaseous mixings in the industrial and domestic areas

  • Program: ETORGAI 2011
  • Project leader: Naturgas Energía Distribución
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Naturgas Energía Servicios, ZIV Metering Solutions, Microelectrónica MASER, Urban Intelligent, DSM4 and SAREIN Sistemas.
    • Agents that develop to the RVCTI ( Basque Science, Technology and Innovation network): ZIV I+D and CEIT.

EVALGAS is a project whose main objective is to implement new multiparameter techniques that are based on microtechnologies that make possible to evaluate the quality of the natural gas and the environmental quality in the domestic and industrial sectors. These advances will make possible to manufacture some devices that are prepared to do the analysis of gaseous mixings in the domestic and industrial areas that include the next aspects:

  • A measure of the natural gaseous’ quality in the supply. This measure must bear the consumed gas’ volume and termias in mind.
  • A monitoring of the environmental quality in the environment, whose objective is to detect escapes or bad combustions.
  • The integration of these measures in the local sensors’ network.

The Project is mainly focused on Smart Distribution Networks, Smart Integration and Smart Energy Management.

Basque Government


4G revolution for the future connected Euskadi

  • Program: ETORGAI 2011
  • Project leader: Euskaltel, S.A
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Dorlet, S.A, GTS- THAUMAT XXI, S.A, IKUSI- Angel Iglesias, S.A, Navarra Tecnología del software, S.L, Symplio Lifestyle Technologies, S.L and ZIV Metering Solutions.
    • Agents that develop to the RVCTI ( Basque Science, Technology and Innovation network): Fundación Deusto, Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation and ZIV I+D.

4GIZAR is a Project oriented to the research and development of technologies, products an processes that help the deployment of LTE networks in Euskadi, as well as promoting their fast adoption in the industry and the society. The project selects as specific scenario the M2M communications due to their impact in the business world and the insterest showed by communication operators, who forecast in this market a potential and constantly growing source of benefits.

The Project is mainly focused on Smart Distribution Networks, Smart Integration and Smart Energy Management.

Basque Government


ECODISDesarrollo de tecnologías para la generación, distribución y gestión eficiente de los flujos de energía en entornos urbanos- industriales y su aplicación en la transformación de ciudades hacia un modelo Low Carbon City.

  • Program: ETORGAI 2012
  • Project leader: Técnicas Fotosolares, S.L
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Automatismos Maser, S.A, Everis S.L.U, Ferrovial Servicios S.A, Incoesa Consultores industriales S.A, Naturgas Energía Distribución S.A.U, Sematic Systems S.L, ZIV Grid Automation S.L and ZIV Metering Solutions
    • Agents that develop to the RVCTI ( Basque Science, Technology and Innovation network): CDTE- Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías para la transmisión y Distribución Eléctrica XXI S.A and Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation.

ECODIS is a project whose main aim is to develop technology for the generation, distribution and efficient management of the energy flows in urban- industrial environments and to use this technology in the cities to become a Low Carbon cities.

The Project is mainly focused on Smart Distribution Networks, Smart Integration and Smart Energy Management.

Basque Government



GADActive and Efficient Electric Consumption Management

  • Program: CENIT
  • Project leader: Iberdrola
  • Partners:
    • ICT partners: GTD Sistemas de Información, S.A, Siemens S.A, Distribuidora Industrial de Automatismos y Teletransmisión S.A, ZIV Medida, S.L and Ericsson España, S.A.
    • Industrial partners (energy area): Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica, S.A, Grupo Gas Natural and Red eléctrica de España, S.A
    • Industrial partners (goods area): Grupo Foresis, Fagor electrodomésticos S.Coop., BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A, Altra Corporación Empresarial, S.L and Orbis Tecnología Eléctrica, S.A.
    • ICT Research Centers: CITIC, CTTC, Cedetel, Labein, Ikerlan, IIC, ITE and ITA.
    • Universities: Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Málaga, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas- Instituto de investigación Tecnológica, Universidad de Zaragoza and Universitat Ramón Llull.

GAD (Active and Efficient Electric Consumption Management), is a project whose main mission is researching mechanisms for optimizing household electrical consumption. The vision of the project consists on developing solutions (hardware and software) from electrical control centers to customer homes, implementing the active demand side management, ina a transparent way for the end user, taking into account this comfort level. The objectives of the project include the next aspects:

  • Researching and developing tools for optimizing household electrical consumption, decreasing the electrical bill and the environmental impact.
  • Researching and developing devices for offering information to end users, about price and origin of the energy.
  • Researching the optimization of electrical infrastructures improving quality of supply and fostering the integration of renewable energies.

Financed by: CDTI- MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation- Spanish Government).



ENERGOSTechnologies for the automated and intelligent management of the future energy distribution networks

  • Program: CENIT
  • Project leader: Gas Natural/ Unión Fenosa
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Answare Tech, Brainstorm, DiagnostiQA, Dimat, Gas Natural Fenosa, Grupo AIA, Indra Sistemas, Indra Software Labs, Ormazabal CIA, Ormazabal P&A, SAC, Unión Fenosa Distribución, Usyscom, Visual Tools, ZIV Medida and ZIV P+C.
    • Technological centers: Ascamm, CTTC, DeustoTech, European Center for Soft Computing, Labein, Prodevelop, Robotiker and ZIV I+D.
    • Universities: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Cantabria, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Universidad de Coruña, Universidad de Gerona, Universidad de Oviedo, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad de Valencia I. Robótica, Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.

ENERGOS is a research Project that makes possible to develop knowledge and technologies to advance in the implantation of smart electric distribution networks (Smart-Grid). The main feature of these networks is their capacity to integrate and manage in real time the actions of the users who are connected to them (producers, consumers and “prosumers”), in order to obtain an efficient, reliable and sustainable electric supply.

Financed by: CDTI- MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation- Spanish Government).


REDES 2025

REDES 2025Development and implementation of technological solutions for the Spanish electric network in 2025

  • Program: Singular and strategic projects.
  • Project leader: Red Eléctrica de España
  • Technological coordinator: Tecnalia
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Endesa Network Factory, Gas Natural, INDRA, Ingeteam T&D, ZIV P+C, Siemens, Sac Maker, Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción, Unión Fenosa, HC Energía, Iberdrola, Usyscom, Fagor, Acciona Energía, Acciona Windpower, Grupo Isatur, Greenpower, ZIGOR, Everis, Ormazabal, Telvent, Nucleo, Grupo AIA and GTD Sistemas de Información and Telefónica I+D.
    • Technological centers: ZIV I+D, Labein, Inasmet, Robotiker, CIRCE and CEIT.
    • Universities: Universidad de Oviedo, Universidad de Mondragón, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, La Salle, AICIA, Incar- CSIC and IREC.

REDES 2025 is a singular strategic Project that has the particular aim of designing, specifying and developing technological solutions that are focused on applications based on power electronic, energy storage and superconsuctivity and tools for the integration into the grid of distributed energy resources and information management in the future electrial grid.

Financed by: MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



CITYCHARGERecharge infrastructure for the electrical vehicle in urban environments

  • Program: Innpacto 2010
  • Project leader: ZIV Medida, S.L
  • Partners:
    • Companies: AEG Power Solutions Iberica, Automatismos Maser, Integral Park Systems and Ormazabal Corporate Technology A.I.E
    • Technological centers: Robotiker and ZIV I+D
    • Universities: UPV-EHU

CITYCHARGE (Recharge infraestructure for the electrical vehicle in urban environments) is a continuation of Cityelec, a singular strategic project, and its main aim is to develop and acquire the technologies to obtain an integral solution for the recharge of electrical vehicles as well as their integration in the electrical network. Citycharge faces different technological challenges, with the generation of knowledge in different areas:

  • Electrochemical cells for the storage of energy.
  • Control electronic for the management of batteries.
  • Efficient power converters.
  • Electronic and communications protocols.
  • Mechanics.

The Project has finished. The following developments have been done:

  • Secondary substation with an intermediate storage system, specially designed for the recharge of electric vehicles.
  • Semiautomatic car park for electric vehicles.
  • Special recharge stations for car parks.

In the previous three cases the viability of the systems has been confirmed and the results are planned to be put on the market.

Financed by: MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



SECRETSecurity of the critical elements in the electrical remote controlled networks

  • Program: Avanza Competitividad I+D+i
  • Project leader: Telvent
  • Partners:
    • Companies: ZIV, S21sec labs, AT4 wireless and NICS
    • Universities: Universidad de Málaga

SECRET (Security of the critical elements in the electrical remote controlled networks) is a project with the aim of investigating the advanced technologies for the remote control and measure systems of electrical networks wich make possible to offer security to the critical elements of these infrastructures, bearing the recommendations of normatives in mind.

Financed by: MITYC (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



Renewable distributed microgeneration/ minigeneration and its control.

  • Program: Innpacto 2012
  • Project leader: ZIV Grid Automation
  • Partners:
    • Companies: ZIV Metering Solutions and ZIV Communications
    • Universities: Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad de Zaragoza.
    • Public Research Organism: CIEMAT

MIRED-CON (Renewable distributed microgeneration/ minigeneration and its control) is a project whose main aim is the installation of an advanced measurement and control infrastructure in a grid that is intended to be energetically automanaged, transforming this new grid in a reference of the future distribution networks.

This distribution network will be based on eolic, solar photovoltaic, minihydraulic and biomass cogeneration, storage (batteries as the basic system and inertia flywheel as the fast system), as well as active and passive loads. A network available in the CEDER (CIEMAT) will be used. This network offers some interesting features: different voltage levels, diverse topology, several secondary substations of different kinds, distributed generation, different types of consumption, controllable loads and energy storage.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



Cockpit for the continuous monitoring and internal audit of the security of the open communication infrastructures based on Security Assurance Profiles (SAC).

  • Program: Innpacto 2012
  • Project leader: Nextel
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Innovalia Group and ZIV Grid Automation
    • Universities: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

UNIVERSEC (Cockpit for the continuous monitoring and internal audit of the security of the open communication infrastructures based on Security Assurance Profiles) is a project whose main aim is the development of an architecture based on an SGSI spread system, which enables to evaluate the fulfillment of the security rules parameters in information systems and give quantitative information related to the security assurance, all in real time. The project evaluates the methodology, the profiles, the patterns, the metrics and the system features as a whole in the environment of the critical infrastructures field.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



PRICERedes Inteligentes en el corredor del Henares

The electrical systems that are in use nowadays are globally facing important technological challenges, the prominent being the aging of the infrastructures, the growth of the demand, the increase in the presence of renewable energy sources, the integration of the electrical vehicle and the need to improve the safety of the supply as well as to reduce the dependency on non renewable energy sources.

Considering the perspectives of deployment growth of the distributed generation network, the architecture of the future power electrical network will not be passive. The power network as a whole should be designed as an integrated unit, and its operation should be performed by a multiple management of the system. Iberdrola Distribution and Union Fenosa Distribution undertake PRICE project to give a solution to these challenges. This initiative consists on the next projects: PRICE GDE, PRICE GDI, PRICE GEN and PRICE RED.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



PRICE GDEGestión inteligente de la demanda

  • Program: Innpacto 2011.
  • Project leader: Iberdrola Distribución
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Gas Natural Fenosa, Red Eléctrica de España, Indra and Fagor.
    • Technological centers: ZIV R&D, ITE and Ikerlan.

The main objective of PRICE GDEis to develop a demmand minitoring system for customers allowing the implantation of the Smart Management of the power electrical network demmand. The purpose is to help end-users to achieve a more responsable and efficient use. Due to this, the correct communication between the system operator, distributors and commerciallizers in order to perform smart on the end- user’s demmand is one of the most important challenges in the Project.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



PRICE GDIGestión de la generación distribuida

  • Program: Innpacto 2011.
  • Project reference: IPT-2011-1501-920000
  • Project leader: Unión Fenosa Distribución
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Iberdrola Distribución, Indra Sistemas, Indra Software Lab and Ingeteam Technology.
    • Technological centers: ZIV R&D and Tecnalia.
    • Universities: Universidad de Sevilla and Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.

PRICE GDIis focused on the search of solutions that allow a correct integration of distributed energy resources in the electric network. According to the current design, the electric network is not prepared for an scenario with a wide presence of renewables as the fluctuations they introduce prevent the correct operation of the network. In this context, PRICE-GDI will try to develop a new management system for distributed generation. A second aspect will be the development of the power electronics required for voltage stabilization as well as the solutions that allow that this power electronics joined together with lots of distributed generation units can help the network operation.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



PRICE GENGestión energética

  • Program: Innpacto 2011.
  • Project leader: Unión Fenosa Distribución
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Iberdrola Distribución, SAC Maker, ZIV Metering Solutions, Current Iberia and Ericsson
    • Technological centers: CIRCE
    • Universities: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

PRICE GEN will be focused on the aspects linked to the energetic management of the Smart Grids using a new design of an interoperable and optimal network architecture. This architecture takes into account the requirements of the Smart Grid. PRICE GEN will also deploy this architecture using the development of new smart measurement devices which will offer punctual information of consumer consumptions and generations as well as the status of the electric network.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



PRICE REDRed Inteligente

  • Program: Innpacto 2011.
  • Project leader: Iberdrola Distribución
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Unión Fenosa Distribución, ZIV Grid Automation, Indra Software Labs, ZIV Grid Automation, Indra Sistemas, Ormazabal Media Tensión, S.L and Sac Maker.
    • Technological centers: CIRCE
    • Universities: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.

PRICE RED aims to create an international precedent in the development of a unique solution for the supervision and automation of the secondary substations.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



RedNAIsolated Neuter Network

  • Program: Innpacto 2011
  • Project leader: Unión Fenosa Distribución, S.A
  • Partners:
    • Companies: General Electric, ZIV Communications, ZIV Grid Automation, E.O.N Distribución and Ingeteam Technology
    • Technological centers: ITE
    • Universities: Universidad de Sevilla

RedNA (Isolated Neuter Network), is a project whose main objective is to develop technological solutions that make possible to improve the operation of the isolated neuter network, to improve the quality of the electrical supply and the automation of this type of distribution network (smart network) in an economically viable way. The solutions include improvements in the communications using carrier wave systmes in the medium voltage network.

Technical aims of the project:

  • Improvement of the applied knowledge on the isolated neuter network.
  • Identify the requirements that must fulfill the algorithms for the fault and fault pass location in the isolated neuter and resonant networks.
  • Develop equipments and solutions based on the detected requirements and needs (protection relay, intensity transformers, fault pass detectors, communication signal injection).
  • Investigate and then demonstrate the application of the synchrophasors in the management of the isolated and resonant neuter network.
  • Contribute to the difussion of the experiences obtained in the project both in a continuous way and participating in national and international forums.

Financed by: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).



Conversion and protection solutions for electrical scenarios with high distributed generation penetration

  • Program: Innpacto 2011.
  • Project leader: Iberdrola Distribución eléctrica.
  • Partners:
    ° Companies: General Electric Power Management, S.A, Ingeteam Energy, S.A, Ingeteam Technology S.A, Ormazabal Protection Automation, S.L.U, Altel and ZIGOR Corporación S.A.

    • Technological centers: Tecnalia R&D and ZIV I+D.
    • Universities: UNED.
    • Agents out of the consortium: ITE (Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica), Universidad de Extremadura, Oldar electrónica, Zigor R&D, Zigor T&C, Laboratorio Central Oficial de electrónica (LCOE), UPV, Pine instalaciones y montajes and Zabala Innovation Consulting.

PROINVER (conversion and protection solutions for electrical scenarios with high distributed generation penetration), is a project whose main aim is to develop new specific conversion and protection solutions for electrical scenarios with a high penetration of GD, that make possible to guarantee the quality and the safety of the supply.

This project is aligned with the SET PLAN strategy (The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan) for the development of technologies with low emission of carbone. inside the European initiative about the electrical network, there are three challenges related to future electrical networks , and they are faced in this project:

  • The creation of a real internal market.
  • The integration of some intermittent power sources that are in expansion.
  • The management of complex interactions between suppliers and clients.

The main aim of this project is to develop conversion and protection technological solutions that make possible for the electrical networks to adapt to new electrical scenarios that are characterized by a high level of distributed generation penetration. This guarantees the quality of the supply and the safety of future networks.

Financed by: MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation- Spanish Government) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).




GRID4EULarge-scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart GRID Solutions

  • Program: 7th Framework Program.
  • Project coordinator: ERDF.
  • Partners:
    • Companies: RWE Rheinland Westfalen Netz AG, EON New Build and Technology’s, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Tekla Corporation, eMeter Incorporation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Iberdrola Distribución, Iberdrola S.A, ITRON, Ormazabal, ZIV, Landis&GYR, Enel, Selta, CEZ Distribuce, a.s, CEZ, a.s, EDF, S.A, Alstom GRID, Armines, Siemens, Cisco, ABB. Current, RSE, S.PA and Kul.
    • Universities: University of Dortmund and Comillas Pontifical University.

GRID4EU is led by a group of European DSOs and aims at testing in real size some innovative system concepts and technologies in order to highlight and help to remove some of the barriers to the smart grids deployment (technical, economic, societal, environmental or regulatory). Grid4EU aims at testing in real size some innovative concepts and technologies able to remove part of the barriers to the smart grids deployment and the achievement of the 2020 European goals. The project focuses on how distribution system operators can dynamically manage electricity supply and demand, which is crucial for integration of large amounts of renewable energy, and empowers consumers to become active participants in their energy choice. GRID4EU is a project co-funded by the European Comission unther the 7th Framework Programme.

Main Objectives:

  • To develop and test innovative technologies and define standards through the set up of demonstrators.
  • To guarantee the scalability of these new technologies and replicability over Europe.
  • To Analyze SmartGrid Cost-benefits (B-Case).

Financed by: European Commision.

European Commission


GRID4EU in figures

  • 27 organizations from 15 countries working together during 51 months
  • 6 Electricity Distribution System Operators covering altogether more than

50% of metered electricity customers in Europe

  • €54 Million of total eligible costs and €25.5 Million of requested grant
  • An average of 70 Full-Time Employees making happen 19 innovative Use Cases
  • 6 demonstrators in 6 different European countries serving 275,000 consumers
  • Participation in 156 events all over the world (around 3 events per month)
  • More than 22,000 different visitors of the GRID4EU website

What is GRID4EU?

Designed in response to a call for projects from the European Commission[1], GRID4EU is a Large-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart Grid Solutions with wide Replication and Scalability Potential for EUROPE. The project was led by six electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs)[2] from Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic and France, in close partnership with a set of major electricity retailers, manufacturers and research organizations. As a whole, the consortium gathers 27 partners.

GRID4EU consisted of six Demonstrators, which were tested over a period of 51 months in six different European countries. The project strived at fostering complementarities between these Demonstrators, promoting transversal research and sharing results between the different partners as well as with the wider Smart Grids community. A brief description of the six GRID4EU Demonstrators is provided in the figure below:


Five General Work Packages support the six Demonstrators to facilitate dynamic knowledge sharing, technical assistance and coordination. In particular, a way to analyze cost and benefits and validate technical solutions for all components, while participating to standards definition, has been implemented. Additionally, the project studied how to deploy the model at DSO scale (scalability) and then to spread it to other DSOs (replicability). As the DSOs involved in the project cover more than 50% of the metered customers in the European Union, the scaling-up and replication of the results obtained help contribute efficiently to reaching the EU 2030 energy targets.

Project partners


Project timeline


Innovative approaches tested in


The project aimed at testing innovative concepts and technologies in real-size environments, in order to highlight and help remove barriers to the deployment of Smart Grids in Europe. It focused on how DSOs can dynamically manage electricity supply and demand. The main topics addressed by the project are:

  • The improvement of MV and LV network automation technologies to face the constraints introduced by the increased amount of DER and new usages (e.g. electric vehicles, heat pumps) to reduce energy losses and maintain or increase quality of supply;
  • The optimized and smooth integration of an increased number of small- and medium-sized DER (photovoltaic, wind, combined heat and power, heat pump and direct or indirect storage);
  • The balancing of intermittent energy sources (including better prediction) with demand response, and different storage technologies and services;
  • The assessment of islanding as a solution to increase the grid reliability;
  • The increasing use of active demand including the potential future developments of new usages and evolving customers’ behaviours.

In particular, outcomes displayed in the table below have been measured.

[1] The GRID4EU project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n°268206.

[2] The six DSOs are RWE, Vattenfall, Iberdrola Distribucion, Enel Distribuzione, CEZ Distribuce and ERDF. ERDF is the Coordinator of the project, while Enel Distribuzione is the Technical Director and Iberdrola Distribución the Chairman of the General Assembly.


Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flexible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and medium voltage distribution grid

  • Program: H2020-LCE-2014-3
  • Topic LCE-2014: Distribution grid and retail market
  • Project coordinator: Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica, S.A.U.
  • Partners: 19 Partners · 7 European Countries
  • Budget: 15,7 M€ · 11,9 M€ funded
  • Execution Period  01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017
  • Financed by:  the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646.531


The project:
The UPGRID project started in the beginning of 2015 under the H2020 program and is being developed by a European consortium, composed of 19 partners from 7 European countries: Spain, Portugal, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, France and Norway.

The project includes 4 demonstrators that are being deployed from April 2015 to June 2017 at Bilbao area in the North of Spain, Parque das Nações in Lisbon (Portugal), Åmål in Dalsland in the South of Sweden, and Gdynia in Pomeranian Region (Poland).

The project will develop and validate solutions to enable the implementation of advanced functionalities over existing technology, to form a truly integrated intelligent system.

With this project, an improvement of the monitoring and controlability of low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV) grids is expected, as a way to anticipate technical problems associated with large scale integration of DER (Distributed Energy Resources), bringing also end users closer to system operation and planning.


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OPEN meter

OPEN meterOpen Public Extended Network Metering

  • Program: 7th Framework Program
  • Project leader: Iberdrola
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Iberdrola Distribución, Actaris, Advanced Digital Design. Cesi Ricerca, Current Technologies International, DLMS User Association, EDF, Elster, Endesa, Enel, NethbeheerNederlands, Kema, Landis+GYR, RWE, ST Microelectronics and Usyscom.
    • Universities: University of Karlsruhe.

OPEN meter (Open Public Extended Network Metering) is a project whose main objective is to specify a comprehensive set of open and public standards for AMI, supporting electricity, gas, water and heat metering, based on the agreement of all the relevant skateholders in this area, and taking into account the real conditions of the utility networks so as to allow for full implementation.

Financed by: European Commission

European Commission


ADDRESSActive Distribution networks with full integration of Demand and distributed energy RESourceS

  • Program: 7th Framework Program
  • Project leader: ENEL Distribuzione S.P.A
  • Partners:
    • Research: University of Manchester, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Università di Siena, Università di Cassino, ENEL Ingegneria e Innovazione, VTT, VITO, Tecnalia, KEMA and Consentec.
    • Distribution and transmission network operators: ENEL Distribuzione, UK Power Networks, Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica and Vattenfall.
    • Energy supply and retail: EDF-SA and ENEL Distributie Dobrogea.
    • Electric equipment manufacturers: ABB, Landis+Gyr and ZIV.
    • Home appliances manufacturers and consultants: Philips, Electrolux and RLtec.
    • ICT providers and Electric equipment manufacturers: Ericsson Espańa, Alcatel and Current.

ADDRESS (Active Distribution networks with full integration of Demand and distributed energy RESourceS) stands for Active Distribution network with full integration of Demand and distributed energy resources and its target is to enable the Active Demand in the context of the smart grids of the future, or in other words, the active participation of small and commercial consumers in power system markets and provision of services to the different power sytem participants.

Financed by: European Comission

European Commission


FENIXFlexible Electricity Network to Integrate the expected energy evolution

  • Program: 6th Framework Program.
  • Project leader: Iberdrola.
  • Partners:
    • Companies: Areva T&D Energy Management Europe, ECRO SRL, EDF Energy Networks, EDF, Gamesa, IDEA, Iberdrola S.A, Korona National Grid Transco, Poyry Consulting Ltd, REE, ScalAgent Distributed Technologies and Siemens and ZIV P+C.
    • Technological centers: Labein and ECN.
    • Universities: Imperial College London, ISET, the University of Manchester and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

FENIX (Flexible Electricity Network to Integrate the expected “energy evolution”) is a project whose main objective is to boost DER (Distributed Energy Resources) by maximizing their contribution to the electric power system, through aggregation into Large Scale Virtual Power Plants (LSVPP) and decentralized management. FENIX is an integrated project included in the Sixth Framework Programme for Research of the European Union.

Financed by: European Comission.

European Commission


EDIANAEmbedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings

  • Program: 7th Framework Program
  • Project leader: Acciona Infraestructuras, S.A
  • Partners:
    • Companies: ATOS Origin, Elsag Datamat European Software Institute, FAGOR Electrodomésticos, Fidelix, Information & Image Management Systems, Infineon Technologies, Philips Electronics Netherlands, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, Philips Research, Quintor, ST Microelectronics and ZIV Medida.
    • Technological Centers: GAIA, IKERLAN, LABEIN and VTT.
    • Universities: Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, University of Bologna and University of Rome La Sapienza.

EDIANA (Embedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings) is a project that addresses the need of achieving energy efficiency in buildings through innovative solutions based on embedded systems.

The eDIANA Platform is a reference model-based architecture, implemented through an open middleware including specifications, design methods, tools, standards, and procedures for platform validation and verification. eDIANA Platform will enable the interoperability of heterogeneous devices at the Cell and MacroCell levels, and it will provide the hook to connect the building as a node in the producer/consumer electrical grid.

Financed by: European Comission

European Commission

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