Papers and Application Notes - ZIV

Papers and Application Notes

New Papers to be presented at ERIAC, CIRED & PACWORLD 2023!


  1. Nuevos requisitos para bus de proceso.
  2. Improvements in line differential relays_pac_2018.
  3. Proteção diferencial de barras: requisitos e testes de validação.
  4. Implementación y pruebas de un relé de distancia subciclo.
  5. Sub-cycle distance protection: design, testing and real operation.
  6. Ct saturation and its influence on protective relays.
  7. The digital substation, an imminent reality.
  8. Improvements in the operation of a distance relay during resistive faults.
  9. Inrush currents and their effect on protective relays.
  10. Application of zero-sequence filter on transformer differential protection.
  11. IEC 61850 9-2 process bus implementation on ieds.
  12. Cyber security applied to p&c ieds.
  13. Medium voltage network control centre functionalities to enable and exploit active demand.
  14. New functions included in line differential relays.
  15. Implementing the smartgrid in mv/lv distribution.
  16. Advanced tap changer control of parallel transformers based on iec 61850 goose service.
  17. Modelo de seguridad cia para la smartgrid.
  18. Dynamic characteristics in distance protection.
  19. Nuevas funciones incluidas en protecciones diferenciales de línea.
  20. Influencia del filtro homopolar en la protección de transformador.
  21. Architecture and functional specifications of distribution and transmission control systems to enable and exploit active demand.
  22. Making the smart grid real, a case study.
  23. IEC 61850: multivendor substation with station and process bus.
  24. Integrated solution for the smartgrid.
  25. Advanced sensors for the smartgrid: how to deal with existing switchgear in secondary substations.
  26. Quasi-synchronous noise interference cancellation techniques applied in low voltage plc.
  27. Field techniques to overcome aggressive noise situations in plc networks.
  28. Strategies for plc signal injection in electricity distribution grid transformers.
  29. Enabling smartgrid communications over mv lines lan/wan design for reliability and operability.
  30. Implementación de la smartgrid en redes de distribución existentes.
  31. Guía breve para el diseño e ingeniería de redes ethernet en subestaciones eléctricas.
  32. Communication architecture for ip-based substation applications.
  33. Enabling smartgrid communications over mv lines lan/wan design for reliability and operability.
  34. Making smart metering rea. Deploying prime based networks.
  35. Mugielec: a comprehensive approach to ev recharge infrastructure.
  36. New requirements and application of communications for microgrids’ protection.
  37. Nuevas unidades incorporadas en protecciones diferenciales.
  38. IEC 61850 9-2 process bus: application in a real multivendor substation.
  39. Bus de proceso IEC 61850 9: aplicación a una subestación multifabricante real.
  40. Implementation of telecontrol applicatiapplications over gprs networks.
  41. Remote i/o solutions based on iec61850 for automation applications in smartgrids.
  42. Single integrated solution device for the smartgrid.
  43. Ethernet network performance analysis and rstp protocol behaviour in a complex topology proposed by endesa for iec61850 substations.
  44. The impact of the electric vehicle on the smart distribution grid.
  45. Secure ethernet lan’s within the substation.
  46. Prime interoperability tests and results from field.
  47. Prime on-field deployment.
  48. Nuevas exigencias y aplicaciones de comunicaciones para la protección de microrredes.
  49. Inteligencia de unidades locais para as redes de distribuição do futuro.
  50. Protección de comparación direccional para líneas, barras y transformadores.
  51. Directional comparison protection for lines, buses, and transformers.
  52. Fundamentos de la medición de sincrofasores.
  53. Protección en posiciones de interruptor y medio o de anillo.
  54. Protection for breaker and a half or ring bays.
  55. Nuevos requisitos y funcionalidades en la protección de transformadores de potencia en redes de transporte.
  56. New requirements for high voltage transformer protection.
  57. Implementation of telecontrol applications over gprs networks.
  58. Integration of iec 61850 remotes in a multi-manufacturer substation. Pilot project.
  59. Implicaciones de la implementación del bus de proceso en la subestaciones eléctricas.
  60. Ehernet process bus: assuring its availability.
  61. Implementation of a distributed rtu monitoring system using the iec 60870-5-104 protocol over GPRS networks.
  62. Integración de remotas iec61850 en prueba piloto de subestación multifabricante.
  63. Mejoras en el desempeño de una protección de distancia ante faltas resistivas.
  64. Aplicaciones de la medición de sincrofasores pensadas por el operador del sistema eléctrico español.
  65. Synchrophasor applications of the national electric system operator of spain.
  66. Reliable ethernet lan deployment in electrical substations.
  67. Fiabilidad de las redes ethernet de área local (lan)en las subestaciones eléctricas.
  68. Adapting protection to frequency changes.
  69. Advanced Phase Selection for Severe Line Protection Requirements.
  70. Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on the Protection of MV Distribution Networks.
  71. High Impedance Fault Detection in MV Distribution Networks.
  72. Line Differential Protection for MV Distribution Lines.
  73. The Teleprotection Service on New Communication Channels.
  74. Application of Low Power Instrument Transformers according to IEC 61869.
  75. Application of Distance Protection to MV Distribution Lines.
  76. Effect of delta windings on transformer differential protection.
  77. Redundancy on Teleprotection over Ethernet.

If you would like to receive any of he listed papers, please contact us. We would be happy to share them with you.


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