¡Nos encantaría verte en nuestro próximo evento!
Eventos pasados
Sesiones monográficas: Comité Nacional de España de CIGRE Un año más, ZIV patrocinador plata del evento participará con varias...
We are proud to be involved once more in the European Utility Week. We would be delighted...
Los próximos 25 y 27 de octubre celebraremos en Madrid el Seminario Anual ZIV en el que presentamos nuevos...
The 3rd Annual IEC 61850 Europe 2016 conference, exhibition & networking forum draws together 150+ IEC 61850 experts...
The world of renewables is changing and with it industry needs are also evolving. Would you like to...
What Is the Right Balance between Private and Commercial Telecommunications for Application Deployment? Join us, next Thursday,...
ZIV participará un año más en CIGRE Paris, donde presentaremos nuestra nueva gama de equipos de protección y control ZIV...
ZIV CONFERENCE | Elsa Herbrich. | Wednesday, June 1st. 12.30 Pavillon Grid & Infrastructures. MV PLC technology for...
The ETP SMARTGRIDS organises its General Assembly jointly with the Photovoltaic Platform on the 18 and 19 May 2016...