Digitalisation | Digital Utility Innovation Forum Panel Session

*** The Digital Utility Innovation Forum originally scheduled for February 20-21, 2018 in Barcelona is currently being rescheduled to a later date. For updated information regarding the Forum, please use the following form to contact the organization:


21st century utilities must go digital. There is no way to escape from this. It is not about being trendy, or just a fashion. Digitalisation, blockchain, bots, millennials… are a reality and are here to stay… and evolve.

Nevertheless, there must be a benefit in digitalization, for utilities, consumers, prosumers, society, environment… This is what is going to be debated in the  Digital Utility Innovation Forumhappening in Barcelona next February 20th and 21stAitor Amezua will be moderating the panel session Digitalisation: Are We Getting All the Value?with four relevant speakers.

Key points to be discussed:

  • Driving cost savings, efficiencies and operational excellence
  • Technology: Modernization of the grid, equipment and systems
  • Processes: Changes in the operation of the grid, use of equipment and available information
  • Results: Improvement of quality, reduction of operating costs and optimization of return per delivered kWh
  • (R)evolution: Cultural changes in utilities, manufacturers and vendors
Session details and Speakers 
Districte 22@, Ciutat de Granada, 131, 08108 Barcelona

Digitalisation | Digital Utility Innovation Forum Panel Session Panel Session 3 20 febrero, 2018 Universitat de Barcelona Distribution Automation Solutions
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