DER integration (DERM / ANM)

«ZIV Constellation» is a flexible solution designed to help utilities worldwide to reach zero carbon targets by enabling them to connect more renewable sources. It increases network reliability whilst maximising the existing assets. It provides a platform that becomes a key tool for utilities in their transition to a DSO.

What we deliver?

  1. The most advanced ANM solution on the market.
  2. Designed in a modular format.
  3. A solution that allows the customer to expand the system as required.
  4. Scalable from a single GSP up to an enterprise wide scheme. 

ZIV constellation utilises live data from the field to ensure the most accurate information is available


Constraint Manager

Main Functionality :

This module monitors for thermal and voltage violations in realtime. On detection of one or more network violations, DERs contributing to the violations are curtailed in order to resolve the problem. DERs can be constrained based upon user-defined Principles of Access (POAs). The ANM module can respond to both demand-led and generation-lead constraints, and as such will respond appropriately to all types of DERs, including energy storage.

Virtual Power Plant

Main Functionality :

The Virtual Power Plant Module (VPP) can provide ongoing MW and MVAr support services at the point of delivery i.e. the Grid Supply Point. The VPP module determines the amount of MW and MVAr available in realtime from each of the participating DERs , allowing for network constraints and provides an aggregated MW and MVAr

Microgrid Controller

Main Functionality :

The Microgrid Controller performs constant analysis of the network in real time to determine the power flows and network voltages throughout the network area constantly balancing load and generation in realtime. The controller maintains all voltages and powerflows within the network constraints and constantly maximises the headroom and foot-room available at the grid forming generator to respond to unexpected events network disturbances such as sudden loss of demand or generation capability.

Generation & Demand Forecasting

Main Functionality :

The Predictor provides short and long range predictions of load and generation for use in the decision making processes. It uses neural forecasting to predict load and generation based on historical data (load, generation, type, time/date, holidays, weather, configuration etc.). It supports an active learning process where the neural model is continually learning from historical data to optimise the accuracy of the predictions.

Constraint Forecaster

Main Functionality :

The Constraint Forecaster performs network analysis using predicted demands and generation to forecast when and where thermal and voltage violation will occur on the network and can calculate when DER constraints will be necessary.

Inputs from predictor module ensures that expected weather conditions and tidal patterns are factored into the result. The analysis can also include the expected outage planning and switching schedules to ensure that the results fully reflect the expected conditions.

Balancing Services

Main Functionality :

The Balancing Module is designed to handle active and reactive power security requirements from the Transmission Operator.


When the Transmission Grid requires rapid support from the Distribution Networks, the Balancing Services module delivers rapid instructions to DERs upon receipt of the TO’s deployment signals; calculating what action is required; to provide the required service whilst maintaining the distribution networks security.

Our Platform

End-to-End Platform

Constellation is a full solution platform offering robust field hardware, substation and enterprise level software and complete design and integration services. The Constellation Platform covers Level 1 DER Controllers, Level 2 Substation Controllers and Level 3 and Level 4 Enterprise Software.

Incremental Deployment

The system’s modularity allows it to easily scale from a single substation network to a large regional or national system supporting dual and triple location redundancy for increased resilience. The system can be deployed incrementally in the knowledge that it can meet larger, future requirements.

Real Time Network Analisys

The system is unique, in that it is continuously analysing the current network state and the alternative N-1 states, evaluating the thermal and voltage ratings, network transients and fault levels to determine the optimal network operation

ANM Level 1, 2, 3 Offerings


  • Setpoint / Trip control to DER
  • MW, Mvar, V and PF operating modes
  • Intelligent failsafe operation
  • Local operation display
  • Connection Voltage control
  • PQ curve monitoring and alarming


  • Active Constraint Management
  • Adaptive network optimisation
  • Provision of flexibility services
  • MW, Mvar, PF control services
  • Fault level monitoring
  • Pre/Post Fault Curtailment


  • Transmission / Distribution DERMS/ANM
  • Multiple GSPs – wide area schemes
  • Provision of flexibility services across SO/TO boundary
  • Constraint Management / Virtual Power Plant
  • Blackstart / Microgrid
  • CIM based model with data driven architecture
  • Integrate multiple Level 2 and Level 1 Control schemes

IEDs for ANM

XCell – Plataforma de Automatización para Subestaciones de AT y MT

Gateway de Subestación La plataforma ideal para nuevas subestaciones que facilita la integración de nuevas tecnologías, incluidos IEC 61850 y DLMS Smart Meters. XCell es una avanzada plataforma de automatización, diseñada específicamente para subestaciones de AT y MT. Su tecnología de última generación proporciona acceso en tiempo real a datos de planta cableados, IED inteligentes, dispositivos IEC 61850 conectados en [...]

RTU Flexible para Media Tensión

RTU / Controlador flexible y modular perfectamente adaptado a la automatización de la distribución secundaria Plataforma de Automatización de la Distribución La RTU Flexible para Media Tensión de ZIV es una Remota / Controlador modular ideal para un número bajo o medio de E/S. Admite una amplia gama de módulos de E/S, incluidas entradas de estado, salidas de control, analógicas [...]

Controladores Altair – Gestión de la Generación Distribuida

"Altair" es una familia de controladores para gestionar la generación distribuida y optimizar la capacidad de generación Más información en inglés: Altair

Success Stories

Primer sistema de gestión activa de la demanda (ANM) instalado en Mongolia

Lugar: Desert Solar Power One plant en Sainshand, provincia de Dornogobi (Mongolia) Cliente: Un proyecto para Desert Solar Power One LLC en colaboración con Monhorus LLC and UB Grid Consultancy Ltd Solución ZIV System: Gestión Activa de la Demanda - ANM Por primera vez un sistema de Gestión Activa de la Demanda ha sido implementado en Mongolia para facilitar la integración [...]

Sistema de P&C ZIV para Llynfl Afan Renewable Energy Park (Wertern Power Distribution UK)

28 June 2017. For Network Online Magazine   ZIV Automation was chosen to provide a turnkey solution for protection and automation at Llynfl Afan Renewable Energy Park, together with the main contractor, NRS Group from Livingston (Scotland), and Gamesa Energy UK (GEUK). The park is connected to Western Power Distribution’s network. ZIV´s 25-year experience contributed to the successful conclusion of this […]

SSEN confía en el ANM de ZIV

SSEN selecciona el sistema de Gestión de la Demanda Activa (ANM) de ZIV para monitorizar y gestionar sus fuentes de generación distribuida. Lugar: UK Cliente: SSEN Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks EPC / Partner: N/A ZIV System: ANM Keywords: Active Network Management, ANM, SSEN, Smart grid, renewables integration, Distribution Grid Digitalization La compañia Escocesa Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), que [...]

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