Solutions for MV switchgears, RMUs, OHLBS and LV supervision

Compact switchgear (RMU) Automation Solutions
Cybersecure Monitoring and Automation solution for non-extensible Ring Main Units (RMU) in underground distribution networks. Suitable for a variety of grounding systems (solidly-grounded, impedance grounded, isolated or compensated-Petersen coil grounding). It connects with SCADA and Control Centers systems using standard protocol IEC 60870-5-104, making FLISR solutions possible for Distribution System Operators (DSO). TCA-C product data sheet: F0TCAC1811Iv00
Overhead LBS – Load Break Switch Control Cabinets
LBS Control Cabinet. Complete and standalone solution for overhead line operation based on Cybersecure Monitoring and Automation solutions. It comprises the controller, the power supply and a variety of communications interfaces. By means of private or public communication networks, it connects field devices with SCADA and Control Centers systems. Standard protocols (IEC 60870-5-104) enabling automated FLISR are used. As a [...]
Directional Protection Relay for Distributed Network Operation
+++++++ Application requirements Communications media with Low Latency and High rate bandwidth (FO, 4G) Distribution networks with Automatic Circuit Breakers (ACB), underground or overhead switchgear --> Real operation capacity in fault conditions Hardware- default configuration 5 digital outputs 2 Commands (TC CCx y CAx) 3 Alarm Signaling (TS51,TS67,TS_PRES_V) 6 digital inputs 2 Ethernet ports [...]
Altair – Controllers for Distributed Generation Management.
Altair is a Family of High Reliability Robust Controllers for Managing Distributed Generation and Optimising Generation Capacity The Altair family of Generation Management Controllers have been developed in response to industry demand for intelligent management & control of Distributed Generation. The exponential increase in the adoption of Distributed Energy Generation such as Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind has introduced significant challenges […]
ANM – Active Network Management System
ANM. Adaptive Real-Time power flow, fault level modelling and Control for every level of the distribution network. Control over active devices like on-load distribution transformers, voltage regulators, capacitor banks and generation control systems to obtain constraints analysis, voltage optimization, power factor control, fault level monitoring, post fault switching, and more functions to manage the system. ANC Controller The ANC Controller [...]
A quick view of some Success Stories
Supervision systems to reduce low-voltage networks operating cost
ZIV invests 2 million euros in the development of intelligent systems adaptable to various environments LV monitoring is a powerful asset management tool helping to identify fraud, balancing and metering. ZIV has designed a basic and an advanced system, capable of responding to the various needs of utilities. The key to the profitability of the deployment of these new systems [...]
Distribution Network Automation – Puglia Active Network
ZIV delivers MV automation intelligent electronic devices for the Puglia Active Network deployment in Italy Location: Puglia, Italy Custormer: Enel Distribuzione EPC / Partner: N/A MV Automation System: ZIV Keywords: RGDM, IEC61850, GOOSE, Distributed MV Line Automation, PAN, Puglia Active Network An advanced directional fault passage detector able to trip a MV circuit breaker and isolate the faulty section of [...]
ZIV plays a key role in Iberdrola´s STAR project
10.7 million smart meters installed in Spain. Around 90,000 secondary substations adapted throughout Spain. 100% of its meter facilities modernised with a total capacity under contract of 15 kW or less. Location: Spain Custormer: Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica Solutions: ZIV Smart meters, DCUS, MV RTUs, Sensors, Communication devices Keywords: TCA, RMU Automation, Smart RMU, Centralized MV line automation, FLISR, cybersecurity Iberdrola’s STAR project is a huge [...]
Featured projects
UPGRID Project results – IP over PRIME multiservice subnetwork
Low voltage grid remote control operation, over smart meteting PRIME infrastructure ZIV has explained the objectives an results obtained in the Spanish demonstrator, mainly focused on monitoring and control of LV network. The demo has been carried out in Bilbao area (North of Spain) in a distribution grid operated by Iberdrola Distribución (+ read more) The expectations regarding PRIME based […]