The registration period for the new Protectiona and Control training course is open “Aplicación de Equipos de Protección y...
Archive for category: Events
*** The Digital Utility Innovation Forum originally scheduled for February 20-21, 2018 in Barcelona is currently being rescheduled to a...
Project Website _ FINAL EVENT: results presentation The Spanish demonstrator has been carried out in Bilbao area (North of...
The 2017 Low Carbon Networks & Innovation Conference provides an opportunity to explore the key learnings from electricity and...
Redes en evolución: nuevas oportunidades Los próximos 29 y 30 de noviembre celebraremos en Madrid el Seminario Anual ZIV ....
Power grids form the central element of the energy system and the challenge of advancing towards a smarter network...
ZIV, EUTC Annual Conference GOLD Sponsor: ‘Telecommunications empowering the digital utility’. Session: Parallel session 3a: Leading the way with data analytics...
ZIV will exhibit at booth #1F15 DIGITAL SOLUTIONS to Make the Smart Grid Real. The company will display the latest:...
ZIV will exhibit at booth #D16 innovative solutions to Make the Smart Grid Real. The company will display the latest...
ZIV will exhibit at booth #A05 innovative solutions to Make the Smart Grid Real. The company will display the latest...