1ph & 3ph LTE Smart Meters | 5CTA

A flexible smart metering platform with LTE cellular technology to share information with the central system (using the DLMS protocol). Plus an interface to communicate with the customer (wireline) and wireless M-Bus communication to gather data from other meters (water, heat or gas meters)


  • Robust automated meter reading (AMR) solutions for DNOs.
  • Energy measurement, load profile and Time of Use (TOU) features.
  • Interface (P2) for communication with different non-electrical meters.
  • Local and remote communication capabilities.

Once the smart meter model is selected, a set of configurable parameters makes the 5CTA meter the solution for a wide variety of situations.

Along with ZIV’s meter management software, the user can configure the meter: events, TOU, synchronization schema, and many more.
5CTA smart meter can be operated using DLMS/COSEM application data.

This implementation is adapted to different data model depending on the interface.

Main applications

  • Instantaneous measurement of voltage, current and power factor per phase, as well as instantaneous network frequency.
  • Provide meter present reads (electric and non-electric data) to other service modules through P1 interface.
  • Load profile recording including not only electrical energies, but also non-electrical measurements (e.g m3 gas).
  • Versatile Time of Use (TOU) module with up to 4 seasons, 4 weekly profiles, 4 types of days and 2 tariff rates.
  • Remote communication through P3 interface.
  • Time synchronization
  • Event recording. Event and alarm recording with broad set of manageable events.
  • Power Quality recording.
  • Voltage variations outside the established thresholds and long term voltage interruptions.
  • Self-diagnosis and monitoring.


5CTA-3BCE / Active and Reactive Energy Three Phase Smart Meter 5CTA-1DCE / Active and Reactive Energy Single Phase Smart Meter 5CTA / Single Phase & Three Phase ESMR5 Meters
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